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Apparel Fun Facts

Clothing and fashion are an essential part of our lives, we know what is in trend and what we need to buy for a particular purpose or occasion but we bet you might not know some fascinating facts about clothing. We share with you some interesting information; some of these facts are related to the apparel industry while others tell you about the origin of certain trends.

Corporate Casual Statistics

In past five years, the percentage of workplaces in the U.S. allowing casual dress code during work hours has increased from 32% to 50%.

As per the Employees:
  • 81% think casual dress code improves morale.
  • 57% say they are now judges on their performance rather than appearance.
  • 57% have a better camaraderie with managers & co-workers.
  • 61% say they are more productive when they are comfortable.

As per Human Resource Officials:
  • 81% say it improves employees’ morale.
  • 47% say it improves productivity.
  • 81% say employees perceive it as a benefit.
  • 51% say it saves their money because of casual attire.

Sources: Indeed analysis, Hive, Randstad, Stormline

Corporate Casual Levels

The 4 basic classifications of corporate casual attire at work today are:

Boardroom Casual
Apparel that's different than the traditional business suit, but still appropriate for the boardroom. Blazers, oxfords, vests, ties and scarves are the operative words here.

Business Casual
Clothing that is less formal than traditional business wear but still gives a professional look. The garments that can be added in this category are polo shirts, vests, sports blazer, sweaters, turtle necks, oxfords and denims.

Relaxed Casual
Casual attire that isappropriate to face customers but comfortable enough to sit in front of the computer. Golf shirts reign supreme in this area, as well as denim, chambray shirts, fashion fleece, sweaters, and turtlenecks.

Dress Down Casual
Casual apparel for a labor-intensive day such as cleaning out files, organizing your area or casual Fridays. Tees, sweats, and denim are your go-to options.

Benefit of Seasonal Gifts

When its holiday season, showing appreciation to your clients and employees is smart move in gaining their trust and building a positive morale in the workplace. T-shirts, polo shirts, drinkware, caps, hoodies or sweatshirts with the company logo and name are the best options for giveaway and will also boost your brand awareness.

  • 94% top executives believe they are important for business success.
  • Over 80% of C-suite executives believe that business gifts generate measurable positive ROI in addition to intangible benefits
  • 20% increase in sales of companies who have gift giving campaigns
  • 96% of digital marketers report an improvement in customer relationships with personalized gifts
  • Clients are 5x more responsive with a personalized gift than with any other form of marketing

  • Source: forbes.com, greetabl.com

Frequently Asked Questions

Way back in Medieval times, affluent women had maids to help them dress. Therefore, the dressmakers designed the garments so the buttons were in the proper position for the dressers, the person using the buttons. The tradition continued throughout the ages and stays till date.
57.4% of America’s female population are working women, increasing business casual apparel’s popularity as corporate workwear.
It is NOT pre-washing the fabric. It is a process where the bolted, uncut fabric is run through rollers containing tiny nubs that press the fabric over the nubs, creating grooves that condense it. This puckered shrinking effect then allows for real shrinking when washed. Therefore, the fabric, not the shirt, is pre-shrunk before it is even cut and sewn.
It is called that because it was first knitted in Jersey and Guernsey Islands in the English Channel.

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